This is open to all students in the local community.
How it works…
Students can submit entries to Yamhill City Hall by March 21, 2025. Submissions should be based on grade in the following categories:
- Elementary School (grade 4-5) – Posters Contest (Photo of poster can be PNG, JPEG, or PDF files)
- Middle School (grade 6-8) – Essay Contest (Word, PDF, PowerPoint or online essay format)
- High School (grades 9-12) – Digital Media Presentations (Videos only, MP4 or online video format)
City Councilors will each review individual submissions and select their choices for winner in each category using the scoring system below.
The winners of the councilor’s choice will then be brought forward to the April 9th City Council meeting where the winner from each category will be selected by majority vote of the city council as a whole.
The City of Yamhill’s winners in each category will win a $50 visa gift card, lunch with the mayor, and be highlighted on the City of Yamhill website and Facebook page!
Additionally, local winners will be entered into the state contest for a chance to win a prize worth $500!!!
REMEMBER: Each entry must include a completed entry form and be submitted to the City Hall at 205 S Maple St. no later than March 21st, 2025.
City Services Information – English
City Services Information – Spanish