Currently, the City of Yamhill has 5 vacancies for the budget committee beginning January 1, 2025. Typically, Yamhill has 2-4 meetings per year during the months of March and April.
Members of the Budget Committee typically serve a three-year term. At this time, volunteers may apply for a 1, 2, or 3-year term.
The budget committee is a local government’s fiscal planning advisory committee. The governing body of each local government must establish a budget committee (ORS 294.414, renumbered from 294.336). The budget committee is composed of the governing body and an equal number of electors appointed by the governing body. An elector is a qualified voter who, for example, has the right to vote for a ballot measure submitted by the local government.
All members of the budget committee have equal authority. Each member’s vote counts the same. Any member can be elected by the committee as its chair. No member of the budget committee (including governing body members) may receive any compensation for their services as a member of the budget committee [ORS 294.414(3), renumbered from 294.336(3)]. Budget committee members should develop a general understanding of the budget process, the departments or programs included in the budget document, and the legal constraints imposed on the local government’s tax levy after budget committee approval. “Local Budgeting in Oregon” (150-504-400) is recommended as a good resource for budget committee members for information on the basics of taxation and budget law. This publication can be found at You can also request copies of the booklet by calling the Finance and Taxation analysts at 503-945-8293.
Duties of the budget committee
The budget committee meets publicly to review the budget document as proposed by the budget officer. The committee receives the proposed budget and the budget message and holds at least one meeting in which the public may ask questions about and comment on the budget. Notice of the first meeting held for these purposes must be published in a specific way (See “Chapter 9 – Publication Requirements”). The committee must eventually approve the budget and, if ad valorem property taxes are required, approve the amount of tax or the rate per $1,000 of assessed value for each levy that will be certified to the assessor.
The budget committee may meet from time to time throughout the year at the governing body’s discretion for purposes such as training. All of these meetings are open to the public and notice of the meeting must be given in the same manner as notice for meetings of the governing body, or through one of the local budget law publication methods [ORS 294.428(2), renumbered from 294.406(2)]. Take care not to discuss specifics of the ensuing year’s budget at these informal meetings until the notice requirements for the first budget committee meeting
have been satisfied.
If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out an application at the link below and return to the City Recorder at You may also drop you application off in person at 205 S Maple St., Yamhill, OR 97148 or send it via mail to PO Box 9, Yamhill, OR 97148 Attn: City Recorder.